Knocked up tar road affect taxis and passengers badly

Taxi drivers said they feel for their customers when they have to travel the road

Taxis operating between Marabastard and Brazzaville in Atteridgeville are complaining about the knocked up road that they have to use to transport passengers.

Passengers are also complaining about the condition of the road which they said affects them badly.

A taxi driver, Mr Skhalo Mkhabela, said the road is no longer in a good condition and the government is not showing any interest to repair the road.

“We use nice cabs to transport our customers but when we think of coming here we get worried.

“We think that government prioritizes townships over us in the shacks but when they want to support at their meetings they come to us. They have to start this road afresh because these are no longer potholes but a mess,” said Mr Mkhabela.

Councilor of Brazaville, Betty Ringane, said the road does get repaired but the problem is the invasion of land and leaking water.

“We had a program of re-graveling the road last month but we faced a challenge of leaking water along the street because people invade the land and after that, they reconnect the water on the pipes illegal and when those pipes burst it affect the road,” she said.

While speaking to the councilor she phoned the department to enquire how far they are because there was a program on the line but it was canceled because of COVID-19.

“I spoke to the official from the department of road Mr Phinius Sokela and they explained very clear that they are still locked down but after the lockdown, they will re-gravel the road.

“The municipality is also failing us as their councilors and the community in service delivery. That is why I am not afraid to explain because I am the custodian of service delivery here and if the community does not get service delivery what do we expect them to do,” she added.