Landowner evict people on private land


The City of Tshwane, in collaboration with the aggrieved private property owner, has successfully implemented an eviction order in relation to the illegal land invasion near Supersport Park on 7 December 2021.

The privately-held facility had been invaded and was being utilized for informal rubbish recycling by numerous individuals. The occupiers of the property have subsequently been evacuated, and the private landowner has promised that the site will be thoroughly cleaned, including the removal of rubbish, as soon as possible to guarantee that the region is returned to its natural state.

The private landowner now has the responsibility of adequately safeguarding and protecting this property. The mayor of City of Tshwane, Mayor Randall Williams said the city has constantly taken a zero-tolerance approach to land invasions and will continue to support the implementation of eviction orders against individuals that unlawfully occupy public lands in the municipality.

He said, “The City of Tshwane will continue to monitor vacant land areas to prevent and combat any unlawful land invasions. Land invasions on private or public land erode the property rights of all residents in our city”.

People report land invasions at Tshwane Metro Police Department on a 24/7 basis on 012 358 7095/7096.