Pheli Times

 Jeffsville family loses home to electric fault fire

The organizations building a home for the Magoma family

The Magoma family at Jeffsville, Saulsville have lost their home and everything inside it on 02 August 2020 when their shack caught fire due to an electric fault.

The fire engulfed the house leaving the family without a roof above their heads.

A family member said was Sunday morning around 10 am when they were seating outside the house.

“Fortunately there was no one when the house caught fire in what is suspected to have been caused by an electric fault.

“The fire was so hot that the butler door turned hot red and we could not touch anything, everything was destroyed. If we were inside the house we would not be able to get out,” said the family member.

Last week the Magoma family went to the Department of Home Affairs to apply for birth certificates and identity documents.

The organizations and people in the community, #NotInMyNameInternational, #NotInMyNameSA, Pheli youth Information Hub, Jay Madisha from Kasi Edutainment- Tshwane activators and the Atteridgeville Saulsville Pastoral association have been assisting the family with food parcels, clothes, and toiletries.

“We are very thankful for the continued support that we receive from the community and stakeholders that have to lend a hand”, said a family member from the Magoma family.

The organizations have also started with the rebuilding of the Magoma home wiht the support of community and NGOs.

Phathuxolo Ndimande, the chairman of #NotInMyNameSA said, “it was very encouraging seeing the community and local youth joining hands to help the Magoma family during this difficult time of need. Especially in the midst of the COVID-19 challenges faced by the community.”

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