A young pilot from Atteridgeville living her dream

Tshepo Ralehoko as business woman showing biscuits that she bakes and sell

Ms Tshepang Yolande Ralehoko, a pilot from Atteridgeville is one of the inspiring people at her township. Ms Ralehoko attended school at Prestige High School then went to the University of Pretoria before attending the Blue Chip Flight School.

The young lady says she does not think she is the first and only pilot from Pheli but believes that having made it as a pilot at age 23, that flying is in her blood.

“I remember when I was young, I would always be amused by these flying machines and at the time I did not know what they were until I was about four or five years old.

“Our Economic Management Sciences teacher gave us the assignment to present our career of choice, and dress up for it. My mother helped me dress up like a pilot, and since then, flying has been etched in my mind.

Tshepang went on explaining that she is living her bright dream life.

“The fact that I am living my dream has taken away the pressure of “liking” what I do. That is a blessing and it humbles me. So yes – I am living my dream life doing my dream job. I get to have the best office view every time I’m in the sky. This is a privilege I never take for granted,” she said.

Tshepang Ralehoko a pilot inside the cockpit that she considers her office

She is not only living her dream as a pilot, but she is also a businesswoman who has a company selling scones to different places.

Ms Ralehoko said although her business is not older than a year, it was her plan to own a company and currently she is the owner of AIBORN Pty Ltd in Atteridgeville.

“I needed additional money to further my aviation studies so I used the best trade I was taught by my mum – baking.

The #Biscuit Drive project followed. “I now approach corporates and businesses to sell them my biscuits and fund my studies with the proceeds.

“Currently on a bake-and-collect basis, I do have corporates who ask me to deliver at their offices and gladly pay the delivery fee. I would like to team up with a courier service from Pheli to do deliveries for me, as the biscuits are beginning to attract interest outside GP and cross-border,” she added.

The young pilot encourages young people to be passionate about whatever they do and to ask help from those who know better than them.

“Never let your current circumstances derail your ultimate destination. Block out discouragement and negativity. Find a mentor, Pursue your dream with all you have. Knock on doors. Some will slam so hard you will fall on the floor, but someone will believe in you. And when people help you, appreciate,” advised the pilot.