Residences of Mshengoville in Attridgevile shared how the COVID 19 has affected their lives since the President declared a state of disaster for 21 days.
A resident of Mshengoville, Mr Meshack Molapo, said his dream of opening a Sphatlho Shop has been dealt a blow by the pandemic.
“I wanted to launch my business on the 1st of April but all of that seems impossible as our government closed down all cooked food shops,” he said.
He said he was merely trying to provide for his family since he was retrenched from his job as an electrician.

The youth also have their share of disappointments, Thando Smith (17) who is in matric, said learners at her school were already attending extra classes to catch up before the lockdown.
“I wonder if ever the time wasted would be recovered.” She said.
Minister of Education Angie Motshega, in a media briefing two weeks ago urged all the pupils to study from home and ensured the matriculates that exams will definitely take place.
Residences are advised to adhere to the lockdown protocols and to always stay home. For any sign of the virus, people are advised to call the toll free line: 0800 029 999.